Tim accepted an internship offer with Pacific Landscape Management which took us to Portland Oregon for the summer. We are living in Sherwood, a small town about 30 minutes from downtown Portland. We rent a studio apartment from a woman who responded to our housing "wanted" add on Craigslist. It is definitely small, and I fight a constant battle with our numerous roommates (ants, spiders, millipedes, rollie-pollie bugs, mildew, etc.). We will definitely be happy to return to our apartment in Rexburg, but for now it is at least a cheap place to live.
I still have yet to find a job that produces a paycheck...
Every weekend is a 3-day weekend for us. We enjoy exploring our new surroundings, bike-riding, camping, hiking, and playing lots of tennis :). We really love the area that we are in, perhaps if things work out we will come back here after graduation!
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